Commercial Drone Inspections in Smithfield, NC

Drone Inspections for Your Roof

Drone roof inspections are a great way to inspect your roof. If you’re looking for a drone roof inspection company with the latest technology, like Roof Central, call us at (919) 808-5111 to schedule an appointment for a drone inspection in Smithfield, NC.

Important Considerations

When selecting a drone roofing company, it’s important to remember a few key points. 

  1. Drones are great but there is nothing like a good old fashioned, up close, human eye roof inspection. The human eye can spot what a drone cannot. Plus, being able to touch and feel the area of concern is very important. You may want to consider a standard roof inspection from a reputable company.
  2. Be sure the company is licensed to fly a drone for commercial use. Many companies take to the skies without thinking of the consequences. In 2016 the FAA implemented part 107 with rules against just “anyone” being able to start flying a drone, especially for commercial use, such as roof inspections.
  3. Even though the company isn’t climbing on your roof, there is still a liability issue. You want to be sure to verify your chosen company has all the insurances required to fly a drone. After all, accidents do happen!

Another way to accomplish this is to simply choose a roofer with the words “Google guaranteed” next to their name. This means Google has already vetted the contractor and confirmed the appropriate insurance coverage is in place.

Final Thoughts….

Drone inspections in Smithfield, NC are great and may be the best option for you, particularly if you are the owner of a large commercial building and want a FULL report of the findings from the drone.

Some companies even offer a complete AI drone analysis of your commercial property. This isn’t cheap of course, but when budgeting for roof replacement or repairs and trying to gather insight on your roof’s condition, it can truly come in handy to have such a report. 

To wrap things up, drones are useful and certainly work well for roof inspections!

Roof Central is a licensed drone roof inspection company and would be happy to assist you or address any additional questions or concerns you may have. If we may be of assistance, please be sure to drop us a line using the form on this page or give us a call at (919) 808-5111.  We look forward to speaking with you soon.